Friday, November 13, 2009

Rainy Day

Today was supremely wet in every sense of the word. When I got back from Malmö I was soaked. Tomorrow some other exchange students and I are going to Copenhagen to look around and stuff. I'm looking forward to it, but I have to wake up early to catch the train. Blehhh...

This week went by fast for me. In psykologi we're learning about memory. She recited a bunch of numbers in sequence and we had to repeat them back to her. One girl got all 16 with only one mistake. Then she had us remember animals, and then a page with pictures, and finally we had to remember which profession was associated with which emotion (hairdresser = happy, policeman = worried, etc.).

We're studying Buddhism in Religion class, and end of the year accounting in Business. Russian is going well, and I'm having fun with it too. Some of my friends also did German and one of them is German so I've been picking up a little of that too.

I went to my first idrott class ever on Tuesday. It was the first time they were in the gym. The other times they were swimming or orienteering somewhere else I didn't know about. He had us do boxing drills for most of the time.

Yesterday I went out Christmas shopping for my family. I just hope that it won't be too expensive to send.

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