We had originally planned to watch the movie at around six, but two of our group were taking too long so we decided to go to a later showing. Then we split into two groups. One group went to a cafe in search of ciabattas and the other went off to find a kebab shop. I was part of the kebab group. After we ate, we went and rejoined the others at the end of a very, very long coffee shop, where we had hilarious conversations about school fundraisers, the color of Caienna's hair and ironic patronuses. Eventually we were asked to leave. The waitress said it was because the shop was closing but that was a blatant lie because we were the only ones she told to go. I suspect we were being too loud and foreign.
At some point we visited a cathedral. It was very beautiful, and the people there knew it because they had a little tourist booth set up in the corner with brochures and everything. There was a lady playing an organ while we were in there and the acoustics were pretty amazing.
Later, we got a call from our waylaid friends who told us they had arrived so we went back to the train station to pick them up, where we found them taking stress tests from scientologists. We waited patiently and then disappointed them again (the scientologists, not our friends). What followed was just wandering around Lund and talking and stuff. We found a little place in the park where we stayed until the movie started. By the time it was about to begin, only half the people wanted to go so it was only three including me who actually saw the movie.
It was a decent movie I suppose, Inglorious Basterds was about this team of guerrillas who roamed France during World War II killing and scalping Nazis. It's not based on historical fact, it's just straight out of Quentin Tarantino's imagination. The movie was funny, but it was also brutal. Especially the scalping.
We left right after the movie ended, it was already late. Unfortunately, our train didn't show up so we had to take and overpriced taxi. At least he had the decency to drive too fast.